Tips For Preparing For Exterior Painting In Mooresville, IN
When you want the exterior of your home to look better, there are quite a lot of things that you can do — and painting is one of them, but it’s fundamental to properly prepare for the paintwork that is going to be done.
The thing to bear in mind is that without preparing for any painting project (even an exterior painting project) you will have a much more difficult time with the painting project.
With this being the case, let’s have a look at some tips for preparing for exterior painting that will help your home look significantly better.
1. Wash Your Home Exterior
One thing you should always make sure that you do when you are getting ready to paint your home exterior (or even to help a professional painting contractor do it) is to properly get the exterior cleaned.
Though you might think that the paint and primer that is going to be applied to the exterior alone is going to be alone to change the fact that the exterior is quite dirty, this is not the case and it will make for a rather unpleasant painted home once you have finished.
It’s far better to get the exterior fully cleaned and then allow time for the surface to dry before you move on to the next step in the process, paint and primer wise.
2. Test For Lead Paint
Depending on when your home was built and painted most recently, there exists the possibility that the paint on it (even on a lower level if it has been painted over) contains some lead in it.
There is significantly less of a concern if your home is newer and certainly one that was constructed in the last few decades but if it is an older home (built before 1972) then it is an issue you certainly want to investigate.
The good news is that the kind of testing that you should do for lead on your home is relatively simple and can be done with a home kit that checks for lead in the paint on your home — and if a lead is found, steps will have to be taken to safely paint your home afterward.
3. Protect Your Plants
Your exterior plants are not exactly friendly to paint, and it’s not so great to get paint on them — and yet just tarping over them for days at a time is not exactly the best solution, given that your plants need sun and somewhat regular watering to continue growing and stay alive.
One option you have is to gently sprinkle water over your plants and to then drape a clear plastic sheeting over them — and even with this technique of protecting your plants, you’re going to want to make sure that you uncover the plants at night while your home is not being painted.
Doing this will protect your plants during the painting process while at the same time making sure that they get adequate light and water so they can continue to thrive and flourish.
4. Check The Weather Forecast And Consider Your Options
Lastly (for now — we will surely return to this topic) remember that not all weather is going to be suitable for your exterior painting project — if you try to paint when the weather is too cold or too hot, you will find the painting results to be less than ideal because the paint will either dry too quickly or slowly.
Aim for weather that is between fifty and seventy degrees Fahrenheit, and certainly do not paint when it is raining outside or you will have a fundamentally ruined painting project.
At We Paint Indy, we are a dedicated team with full-time, professional field staff to make sure your jobs are done on time and to your satisfaction. We are active members of the Mooresville and Plainfield communities. You can contact us by phone — call or text (317) 528-9500 to setup an appointment time convenient for you.
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