A Fresh Look for Your Home: Plainfield, IN Exterior Painting Tips
In getting your home to have an improved look, you may think of a number of things including landscaping and other such things, a relatively simple painting project could be all that you need to get the exterior look to be fresh.
There are things that you can do while you paint the exterior of your home to give it a such a fresh look, and when you take advantage of them you can find yourself with a greatly improved home exterior.
With that being the case, let’s have a look at exterior painting tips when you want a fresh look for your home.
1. Use Weather Appropriate Paint
An important thing that you’re going to want to do when you’re painting the exterior of your home is to make use of paint that is appropriate for the kind of weather that you typically get during the year.
If you can expect to receive snow at some point during the year, you would want to use a different kind of paint than that which you would use if the weather is milder throughout the year.
This is because a paint that is snow appropriate will have protective qualities that would be unnecessary in an area where no such snow will be forthcoming.
2. Paint According To The Weather Forecast
Speaking of weather, it’s important that you pay attention to the weather when you’re looking to paint the exterior of your home.
If you see that it’s going to be raining, for example, you will want to hold off on painting your home exterior as it will really cause harm to your painting project.
Similarly, it’s a good idea to paint when the weather is not overly cold or hot as you will find that the rate at which the paint will dry will be strongly influenced by the temperature — too hot will get the paint to dry too quickly and too cold will do the opposite.
Neither of these is good for the life of your paint and the look, and will cause painting issues that you are going to have to address later on.
3. Primer First
When painting the exterior of your home, you’re going to want to focus on applying a coat of primer before your first coat of paint because you will find that it adds years of life to your home exterior paintwork — and this is of course key as you want to avoid having to paint your home exterior more often.
The good thing in terms of keeping your exterior looking good is that the primer you apply before your first coat of paint will help that paint stay on longer — and it is also something that will make the surface smoother, meaning that it will be easier to apply paint to your home exterior.
As this is the case, you are better off applying a coat of primer to your surfaces that will be painted on your home exterior and then allowing time to pass for your surfaces to fully dry before you apply the first coat of paint.
4. Protect Your Plants
Though your home exterior painting project is primarily about painting your home exterior, you mustn’t do anything in the process that would cause damage to the other elements around your home.
Your plants, for example, look perfectly lovely the way they do and would absolutely not benefit from getting paint or primer on them — it is well worth making the time to protect them before you paint.
Be sure to spritz some water on them so they don’t dry out and remember when you have a longer project not to just keep them covered the whole time as plants don’t do well with long-term being covered like that.
At We Paint Indy, we are a dedicated team with full-time, professional field staff to make sure your jobs are done on time and to your satisfaction. We are active members of the Mooresville and Plainfield communities. You can contact us by phone — call or text (317) 528-9500 to setup an appointment time convenient for you.
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