Tips For Budget Exterior Painting In Plainfield, IN
When you’re looking to paint the exterior of your home, one thing that may come to mind in your considerations is the cost of the painting project.
However, it’s good to know that there are things that you can do to bring down the price of your painting project — and this is often an important thing to do.
With that being the case, let’s have a look at some tips for budget exterior painting that will keep your house looking really good.
1. Use Moderately Priced Paint
One thing that is going to ultimately lower the price of your painting project is the use of moderately priced paint — not cheaper paint, as you might expect this sort of guide to suggest.
However, not only is this a bad idea in the short term (the cheaper paint, that is) but over the years you will find that you will be spending more for your paintwork if you go for cheaper paint over a more moderately priced paint.
The reason that this is the case is that quite often the cheaper and low end priced paints come with ingredients that make them fade quite a bit faster than your more moderately priced paints — and so you will find that you are going to be starting a new painting project even sooner than if you had just stayed with a more moderately priced paint.
2. Primer Before Paint
Another important way that you’re going to be able to bring down the price of your painting project involves the use of a primer before you apply the first coat of paint.
The reason that this is the case is that you will find that paint adheres much better to a surface that has gotten primer applied to it than one that has not gotten any primer applied to it.
The adhesive quality of primer is such that it helps paint stay on there longer, making for a painting project that lasts longer overall — and that lowers the overall cost of your painting project.
3. Paint More Slowly
There are few things that make your painting project cost more than wasted paint and when you are painting too quickly, you will find that you often will either spill paint or apply too much of it.
Though you might think of painting more quickly as a good way to get your paintwork done more quickly, instead what will happen is that you are more prone to making painting mistakes that need to be corrected and waste paint.
Taking your time while painting will help to get the paint on more evenly and help to ensure that you don’t waste a lot of paint during the painting process.
4. Borrow Painting Equipment When Possible
Though it’s entirely possible that you are going to want to paint other areas of your home, it’s also possible that this is going to be your only painting project that you have for the foreseeable future.
If you don’t see yourself having any painting projects in the future, it is a bit unnecessary to spend quite a lot of money on the equipment that you are going to want to use to paint your home — especially if it is possible to borrow the equipment in some manner.
Whether you end up borrowing the painting equipment from friends, family, or an equipment library (they do exist) you should make sure to return the equipment in the same condition in which you borrowed it, or possibly better if it is at all feasible — surely to be appreciated by those who lend you the equipment.
At We Paint Indy, we are a dedicated team with full-time, professional field staff to make sure your jobs are done on time and to your satisfaction. We are active members of the Mooresville and Plainfield communities. You can contact us by phone — call or text (317) 528-9500 to set up an appointment time convenient for you.
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